DATAHOUSE Business Solutions

Is a center of excellence providing affordable, ICPAU accredited and quality training and consulting solutions to organizations, businesses and their staff.

How can we help you?

We help public and private sector institutions to build and strengthen their ability to address analysis and reporting challenges using Excel.

Accounting Services

DATAHOUSE offers individuals and businesses a variety of accounting services tailored to their specific needs.

Business Process Consulting

Our consulting and advisory services team that specializes in process related consulting, can diagnose, define and streamline your business process across your organization, be it in operations, finance or HR.

Tax Planning & Advisory

Tax is now the number one regulatory concern of any CEO, and it is driving demand for proper internal control activities and tough financial reporting processes to satisfy regulators and stakeholders.

CFO Services

While most small and mid-sized businesses recognize the value of high-caliber finance professional in-house, there are few that can afford such a resource.

Internal Audit & Risk Advisory

Our approach is to deliver an internal audit that is risk-based, industry specific, and customized to your company’s operational size and structure.

Business Plans

Our advisory services team specializes in preparing professional business plans for a wide variety of industries and businesses.

Yes, I need these services.

Our Team

Our team is passionate about what we do and care about how the client perceives our service. Our uniquely skilled team combine our specialist technical knowledge and experience with that of our clients, to offer a service that is a reflection of excellence. We are passionate about what we do and care about how the client perceives our service.

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